Istorie–viață religioasă–aspecte ale culturii tradiționale
Luciana Nedelea
Mid–third century A.D. import amphorae as olive oil and wine consumption indicators within the Potaissa legionary fortress
Abstract: The archaeological campaigns carried out within the headquarters building of the legionary fortress at Potaissa (Turda, Cluj County) have led to the discovery of 1543 individual clay vessels: a) 512 were identified in its chambers; b) 348 were recovered from the military forum; c) 484 amphorae and 199 amphoric opercula were identified in the Eastern Flank of the headquarters building/the northern wing, a space which had been transformed into a military depot at the beginning of the 3rd c. A.D. The study will focus on the analysis of the main olive oil and wine amphora types identified in the principia of the legionary fortress. This thorough analysis will bring more light into the socio‑economic aspects of Roman military logistics (long distance supply, transport, storage, consumption, rations and diet) in 3rd c. A.D. Dacia.
Keywords: Legio V Macedonica; amphorae; principia; military logistics; supply.
Cornel Bucurenciu
Literary sources concerning the evolution of the climate
in the Carpatho–Danubian–Pontic area in the 1st millennium
Abstract: Throughout history people have always believed that they live in unprecedented, extraordinary times. And as is evident from the written sources that have been preserved, these changes were an important enough topic at that time so as to be recorded by the scribes of the time. The aim of this paper is to analyse the ancient literary sources that discuss climate change and the perception that contemporary people had on it. The sources analysed, cover the period between the first and seventh century A.D. in the Carpathian‑Danubian‑Pontic space.
Keywords: climate, sources, roman, Danube, Dacia
Bogdan Stanciu‑Gorun
Din nou despre „canesii”. Contribuții la explicarea primei mărturii directe despre societatea românească medievală
Abstract: The Mongol invasion of 1241 gave rise to the writing of the well‑known “Sorrowful Lament” of the Italian monk Rogerius, surprised by the invasion while in Hungary, functioning as an archdeacon of the bishopric of Oradea. In a passage long discussed in historiography, Rogerius recalls a group of headmen of the locals, installed by the conquerors Tatars, whom he calls with the enigmatic term “canesi”. Over time, these were considered Vlach kneses, lesser Mongol chieftains, something in between the two, or even Slavic kneses. After a critical review of the main ideas recorded on the subject, the author of the presentation capitalizes on two relatively recent sources of historiography, both from outside Romania, in the light of which the identification of “canesi” as Vlach kneses may become the main working hypothesis. Therefore, Rogerius’ written testimony could contain the first description of how medieval Romanian society worked. The author also makes considerations about the location of Rogerius’ story of the kneses.
Keywords: canesi, Rogerius, vlachs, kneses, 1241.
Raul‑Alexandru Todika
„Rebus in adversis patientia probatur” — Castelul de la Aghireșu și proprietarii acestuia de–a lungul timpului
Abstract: In order to analyze the history and architecture of the noble residences of the Principality of Transylvania, we must better understand the manner in which the Renaissance influences were transmitted in this part of Europe. Implicitly, the history of the Transylvanian noble families must be taken into consideration. The Bocskai Castle of Aghireșu represents an iconic manifestation of the Renaissance architectural principles within the Transylvanian territory, its planimetric design being in accordance with those promoted by the great architects of the time such as Baldassarre Peruzzi, Giacomo da Vignola or Sebastiano Serlio. Given the castle’s historical and architectural importance, the aim of this paper is to explore a variety of genealogical, documentary, and material sources in order to reconstruct the ownership and possession intricacies following multiple noble
families which, at some point, had a right over it. Consequently, the present study comes to punctually complete the history of ownership over the castle of Aghireșu, from the beginning of its construction until the more recent centuries, an issue approached only fragmentarily in brief scientific contributions. The relevance of this article is linked to the provision of a comprehensive analysis on the history of the castle, at the same time raising awareness about its poor conservation conditions hoping that further action will be taken.
Keywords: Bocskai family, Csáky family, Renaissance Architecture, Genealogy, Heraldry.
Emilia Mihaela Deac
Urbariul domeniului Blaj din 1747. Venituri ale episcopiei și personalul administrativ
Abstract: For the Greek Catholic Diocese of Făgăraș, the Blaj domain was the main source of income. The conscription from 1747 was made on the occasion of the takeover by the administration of the monastery of half of the Blaj domain. In addition to the actual description of the domain, the conscription presents data on the natural resources of the domain and its revenues. Being also the episcopal residence, the place where both the bishop and the vicar lived, the attention to detail was very high. From an economic and administrative point of view, the situation of the field was presented in detail. Starting from the revenues resulting from natural resources, which consist in the sale of cereals and animal products, the economical dynamics were very versatile. The list goes on with those revenues resulting from taxes that were represented by land taxes, property leases and annual donations (decimate and domain census). Regarding the administration of the domain, the situation is presented of each family from Blaj and the
neighborhood villages through personal income. The most important thing in the analysis of this point is the administration of the field and the administrative staff: not only the employees, but also of the field, the function performed by each member of the staff. An important thing in the payment of these employees was the fact that most of the employees were paid by products available to the domain. This conscription explicitly and uniquely presents the operation of an 18th‑century domain with the available resources and the resulting revenues, as well as the administration of a domain.
Keyword: diocese, income, domain, Greek‑Catholic, economic resources.
Daniel ‑Victor Săbăceag
Protopopiatul greco–catolic Băsești: organizare și evoluție istorică (1856—1930)
Abstract: In the present study we tried to make a general presentation of the Greek Catholic Archpriest of Băsești in the period 1856–1930 when it was under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Gherla. The foundation of this ecclesiastical institution of the Romanians from the Codrului area coincides with the moment of the Union of a part of the Romanian believers from Transylvania with the church of Rome. In the first part of the material we followed the historical and organizational evolution of the Băsești archpriest, and in the second part we presented some aspects of the life and activity of the archpriests who led the destinies of this ecclesiastical structure. We highlighted data on the structure of the archpriest between 1867–1930, respectively the evolution of the number of believers at the level of archpriest, parish or branch, then data on the number of parishes, branches, churches and priests, according to their administrative functions. had, respectively parish priests, administrators, cooperators or chaplains, but also data
on the number of schoolchildren. Thus, from the analysis it is observed that, for the time interval 1867–1930, the number of parishes remained the same (ie 14), of the 4 branches, and at the head of the Băsești district were the archpriests Grigore Pop, Alexiu Varna and Alexandru Achim, whose we prepared short biographical portraits, in which we captured the origin, education and coordinates of their professional career.
Keywords: Greek Catholic Church, archpriest, Băsești, Grigore Pop, Alexiu Varna, Alexandru Achim.
Petruța ‑Mioara Pop (Ghenescu )
Biserică și societate pe valea Arieșului în primele decenii ale secolului XX
Abstract: The archival documents of the communities located on the Arieș River, from the interwar period, highlight the continuity, in a natural way, of the religious and cultural activity, despite the numerous difficulties that followed. If the files from the period of the First World War abound in documents suggesting the contribution of communities in donations and the establishment of women’s organizations that were involved in the treatment of the wounded or the collection of materials necessary for the Romanians on the front, the files that date back to the year of the union focus strictly on the problems related to the church. The proximity of 1939 demonstrates, however, the difficulty of the parishes in obtaining from the Directorate of Industrial Production, the galvanized plates necessary for the construction, or the repair of the roof or the tower of the churches. Interference between priests, community members and representatives of local, government authorities in the resolution and management of various crisis situations such as: the problem of moral behaviour in society, the erection, consolidation, or
restoration of religious buildings, parish houses, or schools, acquisitions, or the presence and spread of epidemics, were carried out with difficulty, to all this being added the capricious weather, which often left behind significant material damage, forcing the locals to huge recovery expenses.
The censuses of the 1910s, 1920s, 1930s reveal a slight demographic decrease of the population, followed by a gradual increase, a generalized phenomenon on the entire area of the Arieș Valley, a period that corresponds to the numerous cases of tuberculosis and dysentery among children and adults over 40 years of age, due to misery, hunger and poor living conditions.
The overall analysis of the priests and parishes in the Arieș Valley, at the beginning of the Second World War, demonstrates a unitary and constant evolution, the basic principles being almost identical to all parishes, regardless of the confession, the priest having an essential role in promoting the conduct and moral‑religious concepts on the one hand, and on the other hand in exposing and implementing the laws of the state. In this ambience and in those that will follow after 1947, the Church will gradually claim its definition as a social and complementary institution to the Romanian state, permanently adapting to the coordinates of contemporary circumstances.
Keywords: church, priest, community, faith, culture
Vlad Tomoș
O identitate confesională între dificultăți și provocări.
Penticostalii români în secolul XX
Abstract: My research area focuses on a niche subject. I study the Pentecostal community in the Cluj area. The goal is not a reconstruction of the history of the Pentecostal community, nor a presentation for the majorities. These approaches are often found in the historiography of the subject, it is either an attempted to faithfully reconstruct its genesis, multiplication and spread of Pentecostals, or to explain in detail the peculiarities of the community that differentiate it from other religious minorities or from the majority of traditional cults. Through this paper I aim to contribute to this research with a balanced approach of the community’s history, to capture its particularities that do not fit into a formal history, bounded by events, with deep points of identity shaping, at the same time trying to stay clear of a cold, distant examination, a stiff analysis
Throughout the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the Pentecostal community went through various challenges. Being a minority community, these challenges came from within but especially from the outside, nevertheless they helped shape a profile for the Pentecostals. The present paper proposes an analysis of the Romanian Pentecostal’s condition through its own accounts, outlining an identity map of the Romanian Pentecostal that goes through the main stages of life.
Keywords: confessional identity, Pentecostal community, minority, church, Romania
Daniel Cornel Barna
Avansuri salariale, împrumuturi și donații oferite de Episcopia Unită de Cluj–Gherla în intervalul 1940—1945
Abstract: In the chronological interval considered, the requests for obtaining salary advances, loans and donations were among the most numerous types of documents sent by archpriests, priests, students, or sometimes even by the parishioners, to Bishop Iuliu Hossu. The analysis of these requests is relevant because it reveals a series of administrative, financial and social aspects related to the functioning of the Greek Catholic Diocese of Cluj‑Gherla. The particularities of each type of application, the motivation used to obtain the money, their method of repayment in case of advances and loans, as well as the interest rate will be exposed. Regarding donations, the involvement of the diocese in helping the belivers with limited material possibilities, the sick and last but not least the orphans will be presented. In addition to offering these donations, the bishop
could authorize the organization of collections to help both believers and certain churches under renovation. We tackle also on cases in which, for various reasons, the applications received cannot be approved.
Keywords: Greek‑Catholic Church, salary advances, loans, donations, Iuliu Hossu.
Efrim Truță
Diaspora românească din Spania — aspecte ale identității culturale reflectate în presă
Abstract: Since the second half of the 20 century, following the political movements of purge practiced by the new regime installed in Bucharest, a part of the intellectuals with right‑wing views, took refuge in the West. One of the countries chosen because of the political regime was Spain. So, from the ’50 the community was not very numerous but active in cultural and religious terms. After 1989 and especially with the granting of Schengen visas, the community in Spain will grow considerably, reaching a number of about one million Romanians, the second largest in Europe after the community in Italy. In the context of an increasingly unclear prospect of returning to the country, a cultural and religious organization takes place in order to preserve the cultural and religious identity.
Keywords: identity, Church, Romanians, diaspora, Spania
Loredana ‑Lucica Vîtcă
Taina ursitoarelor în comunitățile tradiționale hunedorene
Abstract: Birth in traditional communities is a human crossing of the thresholds of life that mark the destiny of the future individual of the community. It is what ethnologists call the entry into culture, where life is put in dialogue with all its stages: childhood, adolescence, marriage and, finally, death. The archaic mentality considers that we do not make our own path through life, but we follow a fate destined at birth, by the Fates. As the bearers of the fundamental message of human destiny, life, the Fates, the goddesses of destiny cover every essential moment of it. Starting from this belief, an imaginary complex of popular mythology was created that acts in the effort of people to change the “given”, even trying antidotes against the “evil eye”, resulting in a series of practices in the ritual of fate, in order to make them give “ good fate “ for the whole destiny of the child, trying in this way to intervene in the development of the life that is being born.
The traditional Hunedoara society is a living keeper of some magical beliefs and rituals practiced in the essential moments of the individual’s existence, which have
found, over time, a wide reflection in the publications of specialists and those who have been impressed by this region. However, based on ethnography, local history and direct sources, living informants, I tried to draw up an ethnographic study that would show how to express one of the three moments of the human existence: birth, in order to present systematically the ethno‑mythology of the fate at birth found today in the archaic mentality of Hunedoara, considering that any less known details from the studied ethnographic areas are welcome. They only come to complete, to perfect a whole in its entirety.
Keywords: destiny, mystery, faith, birth, predestination
Alexandru Mihai Burlacu
Sulle spalle dei vegliardi. I „moși” principali del calendario cerimoniale romeno
Abstract: The historical origins of the characters depicted during the popular winter masquerades continue to be shrouded in a mystery that is looming as unsolvable. However, I consider that this background nebulosity can be, gradually, removed if not entirely at least in a very large part. To do this, it will be necessary to use as much as possible the historical sources, written and unwritten, coming from and concerning the territories of the Roman Empire until Late Antiquity, as well as those coming from the territories contiguous to the Roman limes. These should be compared to contemporary ethnographic texts, to manage to understand the general lines of evolution of these rites and mythemes. Two of the most widespread characters, as a macro‑regional territorial extension, of such masquerades are the Old Man and the Old Woman. In our opinion there is a fundamental trait of the Romanian ceremonial calendar, namely the Moși (literally, “the elderly, the old men”), who can offer a decisive contribution in view of a better understanding of the historical formation of the characters of the winter masquerades. The term “Moși designates both the calendar dates in which
offerings are made and the objects offered to honour the dead” (Ion Taloș). Of the many dates of the ceremonial calendar in which these forms of commemoration of the dead appear, I have chosen the three most important (autumn, winter and early summer), further confirming the thesis formulated by the anthropologist Giovanni Kezich according to whom there would be a whole semester, which goes from the catholic All Saints to Pentecost, a period in which from a mythological point of view the souls of the dead return to their homes, and from a ritual point of view, masquerades and questuas are performed in the streets in calendar days that vary from one region to another.
Keywords: Folk religion, cult of the dead, masquerades, Carnival, sacrifice.
Sebastian Paic
The traditional Romanian costume from Transylvania
from a political and commercial perspective
Abstract: The evolution of the traditional costume from Transylvania was influenced by numerous factors, external to the peasant world, which are related to the political context, industrial development, trade relations or fashion of the countries of Western, Central or Eastern Europe. The idea of a completely autarchic system when it comes to describing the traditional village proves counterproductive, and the Romanian specialized ethnographic literature ignored the essential contribution of pre‑industrial and industrial materials and the role of elitist fashion in the evolution of peasant clothes. Also, some whims of history have unsuspected effects on areas that seem unrelated at first glance. Thus, we find that the traditional holiday shirt from the Hârtibaciului Valley area is related somehow to the history of the Napoleonic Wars and the friendship of an Ottoman pasha with a Viennese merchant of Macedonian origins.
Keywords: holiday Romanian peasant costume, “ciupag”, Roumaian blouse “Ie”, textile industry in Transylvania.
Jancsó Enikő Katalin
Interacțiunea interetnică în istoria culinară transilvană
Abstract: In this study, I present the popularity in the history of Hungarian culture in Transylvania of a food of uncertain origin, balmosul (balmoșul) made with sheep’s milk, butter or cream and flour. For a long time, it is so well known that it has been classified as one of the symbols of Transylvanian cuisine that comes from the tradition of the Romanian shepherd. Therefore, taking in today’s gastronomic theory, we can talk more about the Romanian‑Hungarian interaction, the practice and as a mutual cultural impact. The origin of the name is from the 1695, the year of the publication of the first Hungarian cookbook which appeared in Cluj. Another typical example is from 1862, when the famous romantic novelist Mór Jókai called the Hungarian society to collect characteristics of the Hungarian food for publishing a cookbook containing real Hungarian food. Giving some examples, he listed his favorite dishes in the 9th place on this list, mentioning the bálmos of Abrudbánya (Abrud), which was cooked for him by Romanian intellectuals during his trip to Transylvania. After its popularity in the theoretical discussion about „Această lucrare a beneficiat de sprijin financiar prin proiectul „Cercetare doctorală și postdoctorală de calitate, inovativă și relevantă pentru piața muncii”: POCU/ 380/ 6/ 13/ 124146, proiect cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Capital Uman the cuisine, the balmoș‑bálmos was removed from the Transylvanian Hungarian public consciousness until the end of the 19th century, signaling that changing of
the interest in cuisine culture, going in the direction of practicing the high society
eating habit. But at that same time the Transylvanian Romanian culture more
successfully preserved it into the 21st century. We can make use of it in gastronomic
tourism, using stories about its multiethnic history.
Keywords: balmoș, bálmos, bucătărie, tradiție interetnică, obicei alimentar,
turism gastronomic.
Carmen Florentina Raicu
The Saxon house from the National Ethnographic Park “Romulus Vuia” in Cluj–Napoca, Romania. Case study
Abstract: The Ethnographic Parks usually present houses, tools, folk costumes, household items, and installations with an accent on traditions and customs. The soul of a house is given though by the people that lived in it, so its history is also essential. This paper presents the detailed research done to recreate a Saxon house’s history and memory for generations, from the construction time to the relocation into the ethnographic park. An essential part of this investigation is finding the descendants of the German ethnic (Saxon) family that lived in it for generations even though nobody from their original village, Jelna (germ. Senndorf), remembered them. Together with other more than 30.000 people of the same ethnicity from the present Bistrița‑Năsăud county, they left by carriages after 1944 Romania’s coup d’etat. As of the 23rd of August, Romania, a former ally
of Germany in the Second World War, switched sides, becoming Russia’s ally, a situation seen as life‑threatening for the Transylvanian Saxons. Their direction was Austria at first and Germany. Some settled there, others not, becoming prisoners and dying in labor camps in Russia, or surviving and returning to the village while other locals took their homes. The story went further with the latest ones, up to the house’s acquisition by The Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography and moved to The Ethnographic Park “Romulus Vuia” in Cluj‑Napoca. Microhistory with a European dimension.
Keywords: Transylvania; Second World War; ethnicity; village; ethnography.
Timpuri de pace — vremuri de război. Experiențe românești în context european (secolele XVIII—XXI)
Alexandra Andor (Bud )
Condiția femeii la sfârșitul secolului al XVIII–lea.
Căsătoria și familia în circularele Episcopiei Aradului
Abstract: Family life has been legislated by two entities that coordinated and became involved in 18th Century society – State and Church. This collaboration continued until the 19th Century, and beginning with the French Revolution the Church was subordinated by the State, even in matters of matrimonial law. This up-date through secularization had significant consequences on society’s attitude towards marriage and traditional family. These changes were felt in the majority of the European countries but were more pronounced in the second half of the 19th century. All the structures of the society, including the family, were marked by numerous changes from a legal point of view.
Keywords: Habsburg Empire, Orthodox Church, 18th Century, 19th Century, family, society, matrimonial aspects.
Patrizio Trequattrini
Identità e diversità, amicizia ed egoismo tra Italia e Romania nel corso del XIX secolo
Abstract: The political course which led Italy and Romania to achieve theyr unity in the XIX century brings to light identities and differences between these two countries. The Renaissance of the two countries reveals a different orientation towards corresponding Churches. The first part of the XIX century represents the historical phase during which the common battle against restoration made the values and the aspirations of the two countries to meet. Romania will follow Italy as a political model, as a model for all national movements. After unlucky events in biennium 1848–1849, the lucky ones followed in the years 1859–1861: Italy and Romania could gain theyr national unity. They were carachterized by many similarities and by many differences too. Transition from the “heroical phase” to “realistic one” in italo-romanian relationships was about in 1880. In the years after 1888 (in which Italy accessed the 1883 austro-romanian Treaty) friendship between Italy and Romania was a “passive one”. For both two parties relationship had a utilitaristic meaning. For what concerns Italy, there is a clear example: it
wanted to achieve Veneto by giving to Austria Romanian Principates. It was a cynical computation.
Keywords: Italia, Romania, Risorgimento, italo-romanian relationships, national unity
Tudor Neamțu
Competitive loyalties. Romanians between Vienna and Bucharest in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century
Abstract: The subject of this paper focuses on the idea of loyalty within the Romanian territories. This matter had deeply troubled the minds of Romanians from Transylvania and the Old Kingdom at the turn between the 19th and 20th centuries. But why did the Romanians’ loyalty feelings become competitive? Because the historical circumstances made the emotional springs that formed the basis of this sentiment to determine attitudes in opposition with the beliefs acquired or cultivated for a long time. Looking back, it is not so surprising that in the 19th century – a time of great transformation and establishment of nation states – the Romanians from the two territories were finding themselves in an ideological dilemma. Undoubtedly, the aspirations, passions, and expectations
emanating from the prospect of fulfilling national ideals involved an emotional, often dramatic, upheaval.
Our study proposes a parallel approach of the two types of loyalty (national and dynastic) in the two territories inhabited by Romanians, analyzing their attachment to the House of Habsburg, respectively the Romanian monarchy, in the historical context of awakening national consciousness. The conflicting evolution of the dynastic and national sense of loyalty had a sinuous course. We note that the dynastic loyalty lost ground when it competed with national sentiments. Detrimental to the fidelity for each monarch, the ideals of unity and emancipation of Romanian people prevailed in the spectrum of affectivity.
The paper highlights the intriguing and exciting aspects regarding the complex process of shifting mentalities, the ideological impact on individual or collective beliefs, the effects of propaganda and censorship in mobilizing the masses, on the one hand, and nonetheless the constructive tradition of cultivating values, virtues, opinions through education, on the other.
Keywords: dynastic loyalty, national identity, collective mentalities, monarchy, Kingdom of Romania, House of Habsburg.
Radu Traian Roșca
Armata austro–ungară și propaganda împotriva României în perioada Primului Război Mondial
Abstract: In the summer of 1916 after 2 years of neutrality, Romania entered the Great War. The chosen moment seemed favorable, the armies of the Central Powers being largely exhausted by the battles in which they took part during the campaign. However, several factors such as, lack of experience, indecision of some of the commanders, poor equipment, extremely difficult terrain in which they acted, etc., turned the 1916 campaign into a disaster for the Romanian army. Such a moment could not escape Austro-Hungarian propaganda. This, the Austro-Hungarian propaganda, used all available means to restore the morale of her own soldiers, taking advantage of this victory. Especially since it was obtained against Romania. One of the means used by the Austro-Hungarian propaganda was the hat badges (Kappenabzeichen), which was dedicated to that moment and which heralded the great victory. Dozens of these hat badges were made in
less than 2 years, capturing the most important moments of the campaign against Romania: the refuge caused by the Romanian offensive, the victories obtained on the battlefield, the conquest of Bucharest, the frustration of the help offered by the Russian army. The common denominator of these badges was that the victory was achieved primarily due to the courage of the Hungarian soldiers. They, aided by their German comrades, defeated a treacherous enemy, who entered the war following a betrayal, attacking Hungary from behind. The symbolism of these badges is extremely strong, starting from the idea that in front of the Hungarian lion (or tiger), the snake (or fox) representing the Romanian army, had no chance. However, despite the defeat suffered, as we well know, the Romanian soldiers demonstrated in the summer of 1917 that when they were well led and when they had the right weapons, they could fight on an equal footing with any opponent.
Keywords: World War I, propaganda, Romania, Austro-Hungarian army, hat badge
Balázs‑Széles Enikő
Presa și propaganda la începutul Primului Război Mondial.
Cazul ziarului „Egyenlőség” (Egalitatea)
Abstract: The First World War was the first armed conflict in history it has become a world war. Various propaganda tools have been used since the beginning of the war, an important propaganda tool being the press. Through the press, large masses of people could be influenced to support the “Great War.”
War propaganda is aimed at supporting the idea of war, and then supporting the war, financial and material.
The Hungarian Jewish Political Weekly Newspaper “Egyenlőség (The Equality),” which was published in Budapest, had its own methods and forms of war propaganda, some quite specific.
We are in the period of Austro-Hungarian Dualism, and at the beginning of the First World War, Germany became an ally of Austro-Hungarian Empire. In this military-political context it was a necessity to define on the pages of the newspaper who were the “enemies” and who were the “friends”. And from a social point of view, the Jewish entity was a minority that has fought very hard for decades to
win its rights, but for which the period 1867–1914 was a period of accentuated development from a demographic, social and cultural point of view.
Keywords: war propaganda, First World War, Jewish entity, minority, Jews, war, propaganda.
Dragoș Curelea
Generalul Dănilă Papp la conducerea Diviziei 18 Infanterie din Transilvania.
Contribuții la cunoașterea activității organizatorice și de comandă (1919–1922)
Abstract: The study that we bring to your attention aims to recover in historiographical terms the organizational and command activity that this senior Romanian official, General Dănilă Papp, former senior officer in the Austro-Hungarian army and commander of the Papp Dandar Brigade on the Bucovina front, had – starting from December 2, 1918 in the service of the Governing Council of Transylvania. He was the commander of the VI–VII Organization Sections within the Sibiu General Territorial Command, a former command and organization structure subordinated to the Army and Public Security Resort of the Transylvanian Board of Directors. The author shared with the Romanian generals Ioan Boeriu and Gheorghe Domășneanu the document “Principles for military organization in Transylvania, Banat and Hungary”, which he submitted to the approval of the Ministry of War in Bucharest and which was approved by King Ferdinand I on January 25, 1919. Our study also aims to present the activity of General D. Papp in the Romanian Troops Command in Transylvania since April 2, 1919, when the General Headquarters of the Romanian Army invested him as commander of the 18th Infantry Division, a large strategic unit of fight from Transylvanians who had their headquarters in Sibiu. He was the commander of this great fighting unit that operated in the offensive campaign on the Tisza during May-August 1919, he asserted himself in the maneuvering exercises carried out in Bessarabia and Transylvania, respectively he participated in the middle of October 1922 in the coronation of the sovereigns of Romania the Great King. Ferdinand I and Queen Maria at the head of the General Staff of the 90th Sibiu Infantry Regiment, 91st Alba Iulia Infantry Regiment and the 6th Pioneer-Genius Battalion from Alba Iulia. He was part of the series of Coronation generals, decorated by the Romanian sovereign Ferdinand I and promoted to the rank of major general. He was invested in the Command of the 1st Territorial Army Corps in Craiova since April 1923.
Mihaela Bedecean
Școală și națiune. Contribuții la problematica învățământului în limba germană
din Banat în perioada interbelică
Abstract: A region with a distinct status, the Romanian Banat was a multicultural and multiethnic space. The colonization of the Swabians took place in several stages. The colonists settled all over the Banat and in the border area as well. The Austrian administration attached great importance to the field of education. A network of German-language schools was set up by the authorities. The schools were supported by the Roman Catholic Church and its local representatives, the priests. After 1867, education underwent a massive process of Hungarianization. After 1918 and the integration in the Romanian state, the German education in the Banat resumed its normal course. The process had the support of the Romanian state, which had a permanent dialogue with the representatives of the German minority. The political elite of the Germans in the Banat found ways to support
their mother tongue education. The German politicians repeatedly pleaded their cause in the Bucharest Parliament. The German school system in the Banat underwent evolution in the interwar decades and became an example due to its organization and the results obtained.
Keywords: German minority, Banat, education, integration, school reform.
Ionela‑Maria Bogdan
Comunitățile de romi între educația formală și cea informală în perioada
regimului comunist. O cercetare de istorie orală
Abstract: Roma people constitute one of the largest minorities in Romania, but their voices are often absent from the public sphere and academic community, being perceived in negative terms by society or characterized using stereotypes. Reconstructing the history of Roma communities in Romania during the Communist regime seems to be a difficult task, given the fact that, for many years, there was no specific policy directed towards them. Moreover, the contribution of Roma communities in writing their history has been so far limited. Thus, I consider oral history to be a fruitful method of obtaining coherent testimonies in regard to their past. In this article, using the methodology of oral history I will bring to the fore testimonies of Roma men and women emphasizing how they experienced
formal education during the Communist years and the lifelong effects on their lives. At the same time, I will analyze the value they place upon skills and knowledge gained from daily experience, outside the realm of the official educational system, in an attempt to show how formal and informal education coexisted within Roma communities in the period under scrutiny and the conclusions we can draw from it. The main aim of this article is to gather and preserve oral history testimonies from a minority whose history is part of the national history and it should be acknowledged as such, while indirectly pinpointing to the relations between minority-majority, and trying to inquire if there was unity in diversity.
Keywords: Roma communities, communism, formal education, informal education, oral history
Andrei‑Cornel Crișan
Literatura islamică din România. Surse, diseminare și tipuri de materiale
Abstract. Among the Muslim community in Romania, especially among Romanians converted to Islam, there is an extensive amount of Islamic materials written or translated into the Romanian language. Most of these materials are translations, from Arabic and English, of texts with religious content, written by Muslim authors from outside Romania. Some of these written materials were translated, published and disseminated either as projects of cultural-religious organizations or as personal projects of devoted members of the community. Currently, this type of literature that circulates officially, but especially informally, within local different Muslim communities, is unmapped and unreviewed, neither in its content nor in its forms of dissemination (books, magazines, brochures). Especially in the case of printed documents, there are countless unknowns:
what was printed, when it was printed, how it was printed, by whom and in how many editions.
Keywords: Islam, religious activism, proselytism, Muslim NGOs, Islamic literature.
Alexandra‑Valentina Pop (Mihali)
Rolul feminismului românesc în dobândirea drepturilor civile și politice de către femei
Abstract: The issue of women’s rights and their role in the development of society is (still) a topic that generates analysis and introspection. The various tones and registers of the approach point out the women concerns during the interwar period (and not only) for exceeding the limits unjustly granted by history. By education and culture, feminine reunions have succeeded in persuading the political sphere to restore equal rights (civil and political). Thus, in the interwar period, the Romanian society felt a revival in most spheres of activity, women acquiring, due to rights, their proper independence. The study aims to reveal the activity of Romanian feminism regarding its political purpose- the idea of unity in rights in the national conscience of the Romanians.
Keywords: feminism, civil rights, suffrage, incapacity.
Daniel Șandru
Dimensiunea mediatică a populismului în România contemporană
Abstract: The article explores the hypothesis that democratic deficit has decisively influenced both the evolution of the media and democracy in post-communist Romania. I underline the positioning of citizens “outside” the media and political games whose stake is the establishment of the public agenda. I show the difficulties of establishing a public space as a container of relevant issues and debates. The participation of the citizens and the democratic values kept the pace – when not directly influenced – with the institutional dysfunctions of Romania’s fragile democracy. Another source for politicization is a new type of journalistic discourse that mirrors the political area, namely the populist discourse. I am also interested in the manner in which populism is disseminated across the public space through the media. A distinction is made between “populism expressed by the media” and “populism through the media”. It follows the analysis of what I call “multimedia populism” or “E-populism”. The latter combines “citizen journalism” encouraged
by the classical media and the attempts of these outlets to gain visibility on social networks.
Keywords: democracy, mass-media, populism, multimedia, democratization, public sphere.
De la războiul rece la istoria recentă: dinamici legislative, politici și relații internaționale
Maria‑Ioana Rus
Securitatea europeană pe agenda întâlnirilor bilaterale româno-italiene în perioada 1966—1975. Conferința de la Helsinki
Abstract: European security was one of the most frequently addressed issues by Romanian and Italian representatives during the official visits between 1966 and 1975. They consulted on many aspects of this objective in the preparation phase of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, both sides promoting a policy of peace and sharing common positions on East-West détente. However, for Romania, ensuring the security of the entire continent was a defining element in terms of foreign policy, and one of the solutions was considered the dissolution of the blocs. In the first phase, Italian diplomats were skeptical about the conference and they later saw it as a balance of power. The current research aims to identify, from a comparative perspective, the position of the two states on this subject, analyzing the results of the Helsinki Conference and their impact on the evolution
of Romanian-Italian relations. The novelty of this approach consists in the analysis of the Italian and Romanian archival documents, specific to the analyzed period.
Keywords: European security, East-West détente, Helsinki Conference, NATO, Romanian-Italian diplomatic relations.
Maria Cristina Vermeșan
Politica externă a României în Orientul Mijlociu.
Nicolae Ceaușescu și Anwar el Sadat
Abstract: In this study, I would like to present a chapter of Romania’s foreign policy during the communist period, with reference to the opening and strengthening the long-awaited political and economic relations between Socialist Romania and Egypt. The study focuses on the relations established, including directly, between the communist president Nicolae Ceaușescu and Egyptian president Anwar el Sadat, in order to reveal some aspects regarding the involvement of the Romanian president in the Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations of the 70s of the last century. I would like to show how the President N. Ceaușescu and Romanian diplomacy’s prestige became relevant in this part of the world and led to long-term economic and political relationships between Socialist Romania and the Middle East countries.
Keywords: Nicolae Ceaușescu, Anwar el Sadat, Romania, Egipt, Israel, Orientul Mijlociu
Enya‑Andrea Tămaș
Geographical indication — more than just a mark. Protecting geographical origin
in the EU — the case of the Porduct of Satu Mare
Abstract: The geographical origin of food products is often associated with quality, and studies indicate an increasing level of interest in buying local food. Protecting and preventing the misuse of geographical indications is, therefore, important for both consumers and businesses. In the EU, two systems provide intellectual property tools to that end: the system of registered geographical names (PGI/PDO) and the system of the collective European Union trademark (EUTM). Recently, the European Commission (EC) has launched a process of modernization of its Intellectual Property (IP) policy, therefore it is an opportune moment to analyse the current situation and possible future of EU geographical indication marks. The present paper first introduces, then compares the tools of the two EU level systems designed to protect geographical indications, namely
the PDO/PGI and the collective mark designating a geographical indication. The paper then continues with the introduction of a Romanian case study, namely the Produs Sătmărean collective mark, and reflects upon its place within this wider European framework. Having in mind it’s national character, the paper discusses the initiative’s trajectory up to now and concludes with a reflection upon its future prospects.
Keywords: geographical indication; PDO; PGI; EUTM; collective mark; Romania; Produs Sătmărean.
Ion‑Ale xandru Liță
Regulations on strikes and labour disputes in Romania. Benefits for companies
and silencing for workers
Abstract: In this paper will discuss the decrease of disputes and strikes’ numbers and strong tie with legislation and its changes. In the post-socialist era, Romanian politicians openly stated that their number one priority was to attract global capital. As a consequence, various laws were adopted, flexibilized or repealed to support global capital, and most industries were privatized. In addition to labour law amendments and the selling of state assets, the Romanian state purposefully created a legal framework to support the diversion of public funds (in different ways) to private initiatives and eventually offered tax relief and other benefits to them. Regulation and deregulation work almost always in favor of capital, and, incidentally, against workers’ rights. Unsurprisingly, industrial relations were forcibly pacified through amendments to the Social Dialogue Law (the legal framework
protecting labour) that diminished labour rights, and the official number of “legal” work conflicts decreased dramatically. As a consequence, some of the workers took their complaints to the streets or shop floor in ways that could be declared illegal under the Social Dialogue Law adopted in 2011. This article will explore, from a labour studies perspective, the relation between pro-capital changes over the labour legislation and new forms of expressing work conflicts, (such as wildcat strikes, protests etc.) that took place after 2011, under the new legislative conditions of the Social Dialogue Law, when the right to strike was severely restricted and, in some cases, impossible.
Keywords: labour disputes, attracting global capital, pro-capital measures, forcibly pacified industrial relations, industrial actions, wildcat strikes.
Alex Cociș
Apariția și evoluția istorică a răspunderii civile delictuale în raport cu principalele legi ale dreptului român
Abstract: The current tort mechanism has developed through a long and winding process to the forms it takes today. The concept of liability is at the heart of all legal institutions that regulate relations between individuals in society, with a regulatory and punitive role that seeks to restore the balance that has been broken either by breaches of contractual terms or by violations of rules of socialconduct. The development of this legal institution is closely linked to the history of mankind in general, with its specific features from one era to another and from one people to another, features dictated by the needs of social life, the level of civilisation achieved, the cultural coordinates of the era and, last but not least, the geographical area. In every civilisation, culture has built up a system of material and symbolic products, largely born out of the social interactions of the members
of the community, which ultimately generated a normative system, shaping the behaviour of each individual and setting out for them the extent of their rights and obligations through legal rules.
Keywords: tort, poena, lex Duodecim Tabularum,lex Aquilia, actio rei persecutories.
Adina Ponta
Legal frameworks on cloud governance and interoperability in EU member states
Abstract. As provided by the founding treaties of the European Union (EU), the EU’s internal market is governed by four fundamental freedoms. The free movement of goods, capital, services, and people between the EU member states are achieved by common policies in support of interconnected, interoperable networks and systems. Relocation of people and businesses, free trade within EUmember states is facilitated by electronic interaction with public administrations and modernization of administrations, by transforming bureaucracy into digital public services. This paper examines some key steps in the creation of European and domestic public strategies in EU member states in the areas of public clouds and interoperability. After a brief analysis of existing European and national policies and legal frameworks in these areas, this piece identifies several pressing challenges and barriers, and offers suggestions for avoiding digital fragmentation
of services and data, and for smooth running of interoperable systems in the EU’s digital single market.Using lessons learned from the implementation of the principles derived from the New European Interoperability Framework, the Cloud Strategy set forth by the European Commission, and the results of the ISA2 Programme,the analysis will focus on mechanisms of developing digital solutions that enable public administrations, businesses and citizens in Europe to benefit from interoperable cross-border and cross-sector public services. The optimization solutions provided for take into consideration not only applicable cybersecurity and data protection policy and legislation, but also the three relevant forthcoming EU Regulations, the Digital Services Act, the Digital Markets Act and the Artificial Intelligence Act.
Keywords: public cloud, interoperability, cloud first, cloud strategy, European Interoperability Framework.
Lucian Criste
Repere istorice privind recunoașterea vinovăției în procesul penal
Abstract. The present study briefly displays a number of historical milestones regarding the admission of guilt in criminal proceedings. The importance of guilt admission is qualified on the basis of the evolution of evidence in old legal systems, which influenced and inspired contemporary legal systems. Thus, the study will firstly touch upon the importance of confession in Roman law, in ancient Greece, and in the Judeo-Christian space. Thereafter, the importance of guilt admission in inquisitorial-inspired laws and in common law jurisdictions will be emphasized. Finally, the study highlights the evolution of special criminal proceedings that are based on guilt admission in criminal proceedings. The rebirth of guilt as probatio probatissima confers efficiency in criminal proceedings, although at the same time, the possible risks generated by abdication of the standard of proof in criminal proceedings should not be neglected.
Keywords: mărturisire; procedura în cazul recunoașterii vinovăţiei; probă; sistem inchizitorial; sistem acuzatorial.
Anica Lucia Surdu (Pantea)
International relations of regional development agencies–RDA in Romania.
Opportunities and/or challenges
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze how international relations is managed by RDAs and what impact they have on regional development and on collaboration between different regions from Romania and the EU. It examines certain scenarios / approaches that lead to significant changes and how they affect long-term development strategies. We will have three scenarios. The first refers to the model of initiation of international cooperation by RDA s and which leads to the diversity of collaborations through actions. The second emphasizes the approach only in response to proposals received by RDA s for international cooperation. The third highlights the extent to which the opportunity offered by European funds and international organizations for cooperation is accessed, a scenario that combines several aspects, including the creation of an important context of financial support that facilitates international relations and experience
exchanges. These scenarios are then merged into a single framework in which the international dimensions of the approaches will be compared. The sources of documentation are the databases, authors, direct discussions, and the information obtained after completing a questionnaire that had been applied to all RDA s in Romania. Possible models for approaching international cooperation for development agencies in Romania are analyzed. The result is a study on the impact of international cooperation on EU regional development.
Keywords: EU, international relations, international cooperation, Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), Romania, European funds.
Simona Bălan
The reform of the EU cross–border cooperation programmes and instruments
in the post 2020 period (the 2021—2027 multiannual financial farmework)
Abstract: Cross-border cooperation in Europe is an important part of the cohesion policy which aims at reducing disparities between regions. At EU’s internal borders, cooperation across border regions is part of the cohesion policy, whereas at its external borders, cooperation is included in the neighbourhood policy. Within the European Union, cross-border cooperation contributes to the very process of European integration by reducing the gaps between regions. At the EU’s external borders, it is important to develop good neighborly relations through cross-border cooperation, as well as to strengthen the role of defense, security and safety. Both types of cooperation are financed by funds allocated
by the European Union. The study briefly describes the historical evolution of the European cross-border cooperation programs and instruments from the Interreg I, launched in 1990, to the present day. Over time, Interreg has undergone successive transformations related to multiannual programming, and continues today. Special emphasis will be on the new multiannual financial framework (2021–2027), characterized by many changes and reforms due to both internal and external context of EU’s evolution. Based on the analysis of official documents of the European Union, the paper will reveal how the new financial framework will improve cross-border cooperation by establishing more concise and clearer rules and a more flexible framework for accessing the funds, a higher degree of adaptability to rapid changes that occur during implementation, harmonizing the rules of the programs and also increasing funds allocations.
Keywords: cross-border cooperation, European Union, European instruments, European funds, cooperation programs, Interreg, multiannual programming.
Ovidiu Lungu
Theories of European integration and their contributions to the development
of the European Union
Abstract: In this article, we will take an approach to the main theories of integration, in which we will analyse the defining elements of each theory and how they have contributed to the development of the European Union. In this way, we will be able to understand what were the key points from each period of the integration process and on what was the focus of the process. It also gives us an overview of the nuances of European integration throughout the European project.
Keywords: European Union, theories of European integration, supra-state organisations, supra-state institutions.
Ion‑Sorin Luca
Critical discourse analysis of a Daily Mail’s article during the Brexit campaign
Abstract: This study attempts a Critical Discourse Analysis of a newspaper article taken from Daily Mail Online during the EU referendum. The aim is to help readers decode and evaluate an article from the media during the Brexit campaign by providing linguistics strategies as guidance. The approach adopted for this study is based on Norman Fairclough’s (2003) perspective of discourse. Firstly, the article’s text functions similarly to the interpretation of the object from semiotics and stands there for something that the reader should correlate to a specific context in which discourse from a macro viewpoint encapsulates three dimensions of analysis (representation, genre, and style). Next, for comprehension of the text from a micro viewpoint, I appeal on the one hand to Theo van Leeuwen’s (2008) lexical categories for reference to the social actors, and on the other hand to M.A.K. Halliday’s (2004) transitive process for analysis of social action. Moreover, these analysis strategies highlight the connection and relationship between text, social actors, social institutions, and the Brexit context. Hopefully, by analyzing these aspects, I could help readers comprehend that a
newspaper article’s persuasive strategies used in the Brexit campaign are not random but with a purpose.
Keywords: Brexit, critical discourse analysis, functional grammar, media, socio-semantic categories.
Anca Livia Pop (Mogo șan)
Politica britanică de mediu post–brexit: putem vorbi despre de–europenizare?
Abstract: The UK joined European Union in 1973 and soon gained the reputation of being one of the most euro-sceptic member states. In 2016, the British people voted in a referendum to leave the EU. What are the implications of Brexit at the national environmental law level is the question for which we will seek an answer in this article. Why Environmental Law? First, because EU membership has had a fundamental impact on environmental legislation in the UK, all academic researchers and papers concluded that British environmental law has been europeanised. Environmental policy-making in UK has been profoundly shaped by processes of Europeanisation, almost 80% of the legislation was created at the European level and transposed afterwards at the national level. Second, there is great support for maintaining the high environmental standards and principles and there are voices that expressed their concern over the possibility of lowering the standards in absence of European Commission
and European Court of Justice`s surveillance. Third, the future trade relationship between UK and EU is very important for both parties, but this relationship cannot exist in the absence of environmental standards. The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (contains a range of commitments on climate change and environmental protection ) and The Environmental Bill 2020, that created the Office of Environmental Protection (OEP) (which will perform its own independent investigations and enforce environmental law) will be analyzed in order to assess if there is a process of de-europeanisation ongoing at the British environmental policy, politics and polity level. De-europeanisation will be the theoretical concept used as an analytical instrument to see the development of UK Environmental Policy post-Brexit.
Keywords: Europeanisation, Brexit, Environmental Policy, De-europeanisation, environmental standards.
Leonard Artur Horvat h
Business Intelligence — parte a sistemului de securitate în era globalizării?
Abstracts: Business intelligence refers to the capabilities that enable organizations, regardless of their nature or structure, to make better decisions, to act knowingly and to implement more effective government or business processes. The data provided by business intelligence helps the organization or the state actor in keeping abreast of developments in various sectors and the success of this era of globalization depends largely on knowing who, what, where, when, why and how in relation to various economic, political or military fields, which can provide concrete data of analysis on a strategic or security field, on a company or on a state actor.
Keywords: business intelligence, security, economic, company, history.
Iuliana Vîrlan
Rolul serviciului diplomatic în „open government”. Cazul Republicii Moldova
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to present how „Open Government” values and principles are implemented by the diplomatic service of Moldova, particularly in regards to their work with civil society and citizens’ participation in policy- making.Republic of Moldova has made significant steps ahead towards its EU integration Agenda, but it is still in transition phase. The young state is still confronting with several challenges related to the implementation of the democratic principles and values.Republic of Moldova is a member of the Open GovernmentPartnership (OGP) since 2011.
Keywords: diplomatic service, Open Government, Open Government Partnership, Republic of Moldova, citizens.
Viorica Tîcu
Euroasianismul rus: un concept geopolitic în redefinire
Abstract: This article examines on the emergence of Eurasianism within geopolitical discourse, and the manner in which such representations of Russia as a distinctive Eurasian civilization and power inform geopolitical thinking. The terms „Eurasianism” and „Eurasia” have once again come to the fore on the post-Soviet political and intellectual scene since 1991. In order to answer this question, the author develops a classification of Russian geopolitical discourse based on how the ideas of classical Eurasians are interpreted and applied in the post-Soviet context.
Keywords: Eurasianism, Neo-Eurasianist Doctrine, Post-Soviet Russia, foreign policy, Russian identity.
Anamaria Loredana Ianoși
Ajutor pentru Ucraina? Relaţiile româno–polone–ucrainiene
înainte şi după invazia Federaţiei Ruse în Ucraina
Abstract: Sine quo dubium, Europe is currently facing the most difficult situation in the last seventy years. After a pandemic that lasted almost two years and had disastrous consequences both at European and global level, Europe today faces an unimaginable scenario until now, a scenario in which the main characters are Ukraine, in the role of victim, and the Russian Federation in the role of invader. So, after seventy years of lasting peace, Europe is shaken again by war, fear and insecurity, even on Romania’s borders. Of course, Romania did not remain indifferent to the situation of its Ukrainian neighbors, unconditionally supporting them, not only because they are neighbors but also because they share the same European values. Similarly, Poland did not remain indifferent to the drama of its Ukrainian neighbors for the same reasons. This study aims to analyze the international relations between Romania, Poland and Ukraine over the last
30 years (from the fall of the communist regime from 1989 to the present), in order to extract examples of good practices that today underlie solidarity between those three states with different destinies but with a common past, which makes them support each other in critical situations, especially now that the national sovereignty of Ukraine is constantly threatened by the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Russian Federation, EU, international relations, communism, war.
O lume în mișcare. migrație și pandemie în era globalizării
Benedetto Coccia, Antonio Ricci
“Ospiti indesiderati”: il diritto d’asilo a 70 anni dalla Convenzione ONU sui rifugiati
Abstract: For many, in seventy years, the Geneva Convention of July 28th, 1951 and the New York Protocol of December 31st, 1967 have made the difference between death and life, between danger and safety, between despair and hope. Seventy years later, the right of asylum seems to have followed a downward trend which, after a phase of great expansion and convergence between the States adhering to the Convention, united by the desire to protect European refugees produced by the Second World War, today show its progressive decline and debasement. A factual confirmation of this downward trend today is found in the growing resistance to the reception of refugees from Syria or from the African continent, which has made asylum one of the most controversial issues in the decision-making process within the European Union.
Asylum policies are now characterized by systematic doubts about asylum seekers’ credibility. The launch of Frontex in 2004 and its subsequent developments, under the banner of the official mission to combat “irregular immigration”, have in fact contributed to further limiting the arrivals of refugees, who generally do not have alternative channels of entry to those used by the so-called “economic migrants”, and the strengthened “rhetoric of abuse”.
Starting from the results of the recent research project “The future of the Geneva Convention on refugee status 70 years after its establishment”, carried out in 2021 by the authors in the framework of the collaboration between “S. Pio” Institute – IDOS, this contribution will try to analyze the substantial change that has taken place in the image of asylum seekers and refugees, on a cultural and political level, which from subjects deserving of protection, as had happened at the time of the promulgation of the Geneva Convention, has seen them decay to unauthorized international migrants, in other words to “undesired guests”.
Keywords: Geneva Convention; Asylum; Refugees; Protection; Rights, European Union.
Șabna m‑Cristina Paknehad
Impactul socio–economic al migrației în Europa secolului XXI
Abstract: This article examines actions with a higher impact on migration flows, which are given priority and there must be a long-term involvement in order to address their root causes. The EU aims to strengthen the political dialogue, cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience with partner countries, civil society organizations and local authorities, in support of human mobility as a positive element of human development. The author considers that integration-based cooperation with a rights-based approach, primarily human rights, will enable us to meet the challenges facing humanity in the current migration crisis, especially the tragedy that began on February 24, 2022, which continues until the day of writing this article.
Keywords: asylum, asylum seeker, refugee, beneficiary of humanitarian protection, international protection, migration, crisis, Europe, EU, UNHCR, BMA, country of origin, host country, human rights, protection.
Anca‑Raluca Iuhas
A comparative analysis of the 2011 EU Dierctive on Human Trafficking, as compared to the UN Palermo Protocol and the Council of Europe Convention
Abstract: This article will analyse the three most important documents tackling the issue of human trafficking at international and regional level: the United Nations Palermo Protocol (2000), the Council of Europe Convention (2005) and the EU Directive (2011), as well as the different paradigms and approaches they adopt in order to cover the most important aspects of anti-trafficking – prevention, prosecution, protection and partnerships (the 4P strategy). Similarities and differences between these three documents will be closely analysed, as well as advantages and disadvantages they engender for victims of human trafficking from a human rights perspective.
Keywords: human trafficking (HT), human rights, protection, prosecution, prevention, cooperation.
Rareș‑Ale xandru Văscan
Migrația ca factor al discursului populist în Uniunea Europeană în perioada 2019–2020
Abstract: Europe has experienced a major crisis in recent years. The migration phenomenon has highlighted the problems that the European Union is facing at political and diplomatic level. The aim of this paper is to present the migration phenomenon faced by the European Union and the Member States, also the policies implemented to cope with the insecurity created by the refugee crisis. Securitisation policies, political and economic decisions have given rise, at a rhetorical level, to various reactions to the migration phenomenon in Europe. The object of our paper is to analyse the official speeches on migration from Germany, Hungaryand Poland, appeared between the years 2019–2020. We chose these states because of differing opinions to immigrants and the way in which they are perceived at a discursive level. The results of the discourse analyses show that the migration generated by the refugee crisis has divided the European
Union states into two parts, those who support the measures adopted and those who criticize them, generating populist discourses in states such as Hungary and Poland between 2019 and 2020.
Keywords: migration phenomenon, populism, refugee crises, discourse analyses, policies.
Eugen Ghiță
Locuire și identitate în cadrul mobilității imigranților economici în Uniunea Europeană
Abstract: In Romania, housing and identity are intertwined in the most basic and documented way possible. If you don’t have a domicile, you don’t have an identity card and if you don’thave an identity card your rights are restricted, and housing is one of the most fundamental human needs. In this regard, identity is paramount. In the European Union, on the other hand, social housing is not conditioned by identity cards and it is guaranteed in relation to social inclusion. The economic migrants are offered food, medical care, heat, electricity, access to water – decent living conditions, if they meet the main condition: children go to school and they respect public order and peace (Spain, UK). But sometimes meeting the conditions leads to losing their identity and their traditions. The economic migrants represent a diverse and vulnerable population from all over Europe, that preserve the tradition of the extended family together and in order
not to violate the culture and traditions deeply imprinted in their very identity, they prefer to live in slams, in make shift dwellings. Their identity is defined by their way of life, by their tradition and culture. Does European mobility lead to loss of identity? Is diversity lost in order not to be marginalized or segregated against?
Keywords: housing, economic migrants, humanrights, tradition, identity, vulnerablepopulation
Ioan-Adrian Moșuțan
Migration and migrants–identity and social inclusion
Abstract: Migration has a potential risk for state security from perspective of social inclusion. Even if migration is not a new phenomenon, recent events have generated new challenges. In order to maintain the security climate is necessary for migrants to comply with the rules imposed by the host state and also is necessary to be included in social life (education, access to health care services, employment), which can be an extremely difficult process because differences of opinion, culture and education are significantly and from this point serious difficulties can appear. Managing a large number of migrants, generally those from conflict zones in the Arab area have tested state mechanisms for security both due to the very large number of people (which also involved the increase of certain illegal acts committed by migrants) and also created real challenges for the social inclusion of these people, having direct implications for state security. Effective management of migrants is closely dependent on ensuring a climate of state security and to achieve this goal we must not only think about security as police or military perspective but we must also approach the situation in
terms of social inclusion and even medical/ public health security- in current epidemiological context, the management of large masses of migrants or refugees can generate considerable security risks.
Keyword: migrants, social inclusion, challenge, security, risk.
Tudor Dumitru Vidrean ‑Căpușan
Posting working directive and mobility pack. Bridge or wall between the Eastern and Western part of the European Union?
Abstract: On 8 March 2016, the European Commission published a proposal for a targeted revision of the Posting of Workers Directive. So far, the message in the media has been that this proposal must be seen as a step in the direction of the application of the principle ‘equal pay for equal work at the same workplace’. The proposal became known as Directive 2018/957/EU and entered into force on 30th July 2020. The aim of the directive is to improve the welfare and social protection of the workers that posted in different member states of the European Union. In theory, the public objective of the new regulation is a noble one: leveling the differences between workers irrespective of which part of the European Union are coming and a common legislation in posted workers problem across the internal
market. In practice, is seems that this regulation is deepening disputes between the East and the West of the European Union. It can be said that because two wars are fought inside the European Union: the first one, between the employers from the East and those from the West; the second one, between the European Commission, backed by the western countries such as France and Germany against the states who became members after 2000 such as: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria.
In this context, the aim of the present article is to evaluate the impact of the revision of the Posted Directive and the Mobility Pack over the internal market and to assess if these regulations are creating a bridge or a wall between the East and the West of the union. To achieve this scope, the article will present the historical background of the workers posted inside the internal market and will rely on documents/decision coming from the European Commission and the European Union Court of Justice, on actions and public references coming from the public authorities of the member states (ex: courts of law) or from the part of interested parts such as unions. In the end, the article will draw a conclusion on whether there is or not a wall that divides Europe in the problem of posted workers across various states of the European Union.
Keywords: posted directive, mobility pack, bridge, wall, East, West
Norina Elvira Herki
Radicalizarea discursului românesc despre romi în spațiul public: pandemia, alegerile sau AUR?
Abstract: The commitment of EU to fi ght against racism, xenophobia and hate crime has been strengthened in 2013, with the adoption of the European Parliament of a resolution calling on ”the role of national authorities responsible for fi ghting discrimination to be strengthened in order to facilitate accountability for the promotion of hate speech and incitement of hate crime”. However, hate speech against the Roma minority in the public space, especially on the internet, social media, still occurs and shows a need to prevent and combat negative stereotyping, stigmatization and ethnicizing crime and criminalizing the Roma. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, diversity governance and minority protection have been even more challenged and this papers aims at examining the public discourse and phenomenon of hate speech against Roma communities and individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania, through the lens of a few selected case studies which have featured prominently in the media. Specialattention will be given to the political discourse on the Roma minority during this time, as the pandemic period coincides with the rise to power of the far-right populist party the Alliance for Romanian Unity (AUR). Keywords: Discurs antirom, pandemia COVID-19, partid de dreapta, partide mainstream, reţele de socializare.
Mariana Szigeti‑Bocoi
First year of pandemic for foreign direct investment at the Western border of Romania. Timiş County
Abstract: Foreign direct investment, the western border of Romania and the border restrictions in the first year of pandemic are the main directions of this article.The paper aims to determine the effects of border closure and its associated restrictions on foreign direct investment in Timiș County, a county situated on the Romanian-Hungarian border, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. In other words, we asked to what extent and what way the border restrictions affected the companies with foreign capital, whether there were any reductions in turnover or even closures of companies, or whether, on the contrary, there were increases and new registered companies. Specifically, the turnover and number of employees of foreign-owned companies over three years were analyzed, two years before the pandemic and the year of the pandemic (2018–2020), relying mainly on quantitative methodology; the measures taken by the authorities,
especially measures related to border were identified, relying mainly on qualitative methodology. An own database, constituted with the help of the official sources from the Ministry of Finance of Romania, was the source for the financial data, and data provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the source for legislative information. The analyzed companies were chosen based on the turnover criterion of at least 500,000 euros in at least one of the years 2018–2020. The ranking of the top ten largest companies with foreign capital in Timiș County has not undergone substantial changes during the three years. In the first year of Covid-19 pandemic, the number of dissolved/bankrupt/deregistered companies was higher than the number of newly established foreign companies. Compared to 2018 and 2019, several companies recorded decreases in turnover in 2020, some reaching 100% decreases, while others recorded increases, the large increase being of over 2000%. In 2020, the first restrictions related to border were included in President’s decree establishing a state of emergency and the last restrictions were in December, included in the document regarding the extension of the state of alert. During 2020, a number of restrictive measures were adopted through decrees, laws, decisions, emergency ordinances and others.
Keywords: foreign direct investment, border restrictions, pandemic, western border, foreign companies, changes
Vlad‑Dan Săsărman
Restricțiile impuse de virusul Covid–19: divizare sau unitate?
Abstract: Today, after the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus has hit the whole world, everyone has seen how their lives can be changed in a relatively short time and how fragile is the freedom of movement. On the one hand, people have begun to question animal-to-human transmissible diseases, with so-called zoonoses (such as the Sars-CoV2 virus) giving them greater prominence. Even if the incidence of zoonoses is not very high, the risk of transmitting diseases from animals to humans exists and the most recent and cruel example was given to us in 2020 by the pandemic created by Covid-19 virus. For this reason, European authorities or the national ones imposed certain strict rules of conduct that must be followed by all people.
On the other hand, compared to the fact that, usually, all persons were subject to the measures of the authorities, many of them began to question about how these measures, which restrict their freedoms and rights, could be challenged in front of the courts of justice. The restrictive measures cannot be unlimited, because
in a state governed by the rule of law, they must be verifiable by the courts, if someone complaints about them.
Currently, because of the social networks, information is transmitted extremely fast worldwide (and even faster at European level), so that people in a particular country can easily find out what measures are being taken by the authorities in other countries. Thus, the people begin to rise different questions: Why has the state where I live closed its borders, while the neighboring state allows people to cross without restrictions? Why do I have to wear a face mask in the open spaces, while people in another state only need to wear the mask indoors? Why in some countries public crowd is allowed in sports competitions and, in others, the competitions take place without an audience? We will try to answer to this kind of questions throughout this paper, highlighting the severity of zoonoses and the specifics of protection measures taken at European level where the EU is trying to make them as uniform as possible.
Keywords: covid, zoonoses, restrictive measures, court action, Europe
Între literatură, artă și film: expresii, modele, paradigme
Florin‑Alexandru Iordache
Viziunile lui Crainic, mistica germană și cinematograful lui Herzog
Abstract: The article will explore the similarities between the mystical theory of the soul, as revealed in a volume of memoirs by the academic Nichifor Crainic (1889–1972), the philosophical current of German mysticism manifested in the 15th century by Meister Eckart and the filmic discourse of the contemporary filmmaker Werner Herzog. By analyzing the large number of common elements (symbols, motifs and metaphors) it will be shown that the phenomenon of mysticism, part of a Christian identity discourse spread throughout Europe, manifests itself in various periods of history as a transhistorical and transcultural pattern.
Keywords: Nichifor Crainic, Werner Herzog, German mysticism, Cinema, mystical theory, Chritian identity
Anca Maria Ciofîrlă
Dada influence on contemporary art. Dada’s journey from Romania to the international experience
Abstract: Dadaism is perhaps the most famous artistic movement that was initiated by Romanians. Originating in Moldova, Tristan Tzara brings his creative vision to all of Europe, a vision that would afterwards cross the Atlantic Ocean. The force of this artistic movement determined many of its representatives to believe, even for a brief period, that the deconstruction and rebuilding of the world we live in is possible. Dadaism still has an impact on a great number of artists, and it is most influential at the level of ideas and creative modes. Its vision is perpetuated in every artist that attempts to reinvent their style as well as in contemporary society when confronted with new and shocking artistic events.
Keywords: Tristan Tzara, dadaism, contemporary art, international experience
Ionuța‑Natalia Munteanu‑Iorga
Crize și identități culturale europene. O perspectivă panoramică asupra literaturii central–europene
Abstract: The vast field of history(ies) connected with the geopolitical space of Central Europe has been written and modified, or simply deleted and reinvented several times. Populations that have been under the domination of great empires for centuries (Ottoman, German, Russian and Austrian) have borrowed from each other not only customs and traditions, but also a new mentality and a new manner of judging things. Little by little, the works of literature and various authors of many small countries were raising their own voices to create a discursive consistency. Many texts from decades ago are nowadays – besides being literary samples – also credible documents about a particular social behaviour. With making these cultural, social and political issues more visible for the public, important Central – European novelists used to create, during decades, a major cultural project about understanding the multiple factors of crisis in Europe. As a result, authors like Franz Kafka, Herman Broch, Danilo Kiš, Bruno Schulz, Robert Musil, Paul Celan, Milan Kundera were setting literary lines and terms to clarify a high range of subtle phenomena regarding politics and mentalities, dominating the space of
Old Europe. Suggesting a new epic model, literary subjects directly related to the political and social collapse, a different style, and a different textual architecture, these writers were imprinting the reader’s mind with reflecting on a new epic pattern: the split of identity under the horrible effect of war and then under the political repression that followed in totalitarianism. In addition, all other sensitive issues that the Central-European writers prefer to write about were passed through the filters of subjectivity and each one was revealing the experience of living in a particular area of restriction, isolation and fear. By proposing an epic product focusing on imbalances, frustrations, resentments and fragile individuals, the Central-European author is revealing a powerful fiction, ready to underline the desperate need of re-constructing a new and maybe a better view of a Modern European Identity – through literature and culture.
Keywords: Central-European identity, cultural background, Central-European Literature, textual patterns, history/ histories, crisis
Gianina Stan (Joldescu ‑Stan)
Models of cultural theories applied to regional development. Case study: the city of Piatra–Neamț
Abstract: In the ongoing discussions regarding the role of cultural heritage in the process of regional development, it is important to notice the cultural theories approaching heritage. They can be very useful in establishing how the local authorities can take measures to protect, promote and develop cultural heritage, turning it into a paramount point for regional development. Theories such as interpretative anthropology and symbolic interactionism have led to research projects and models of using and promoting the cultural heritage of an area in order to help with its regional development and economic growth. In the current paper, we will discuss such theories and the manner in which they can be applied to Romanian cities, depending on their traditional traits. We look at one city from a macro region of Romania and analyse the extent to which these models can or cannot be replicated for this specific city. For this study we have chosen
Piatra-Neamț as the focal point. The reasoning behind this choice is that it gives us the chance to analyse the specifics of a city with prominent cultural heritage but low access and generally poor infrastructure for tourism. This will enable us to establish how much a highlighted and promoted form of cultural heritage could foster economic development and the increase in the number of tourists in a certain region. In attempting to apply the models proposed by these theories to the chosen developing city, we plan to analyse the way in which such models could be replicated outside the cities they were originally intended for, and whether they are useful for promoting cultural heritage and fostering regional development.
Keywords: regional development, cultural heritage, cultural theories, tourism.
Flavius Floare
The European monster — A comparative portrayal of the serial killer in contemporary European horror film
Abstract: Horror film has been amongst the forefront experiments at the time film art took hold in Europe at the end of the 19th century. Georges Méliès’s intricate and unique illusory effects presented in his early films were able to construct an eerie and equally entertaining atmosphere that scared and proved to generate anxiety in the public. In the following decades, Europe proved itself to be the right place for the horror film to expand its artistic sensibilities: German Expressionism would intertwine eerie settings with unsettling monster figures in anticipation of ulterior political movements that were equally monstruous in their ideology. Moving forward, as film gained an exponential mainstream appeal in American audiences due in part to the supernatural and extraterrestrial portrayals of monsters, European horror sought to distinguish itself from its
American counterpart by focusing on constructing the monster through the lens of humanity: the serial killer. This paper discusses portrayal of the serial killer in contemporary European horror film (1990-present) and the means of which its portrayal extends beyond the horror genre’s classic characteristics of this certain trope. By analyzing the serial killer in five contemporary European Horror Films that were produced in Western, Central and Eastern European countries and were released at different times during the last 30 years, the two main goals of this article are to observe the development of the same narrative approach in different but close artistic spaces and to compare and recognize the identity of the Serial Killer as the European Monster whose Western, Central and Eastern European facets are converging to the same intellectual portrayal.
Keywords: film, Europe, identity, horror, monster, serial killer
Peter Csilla
Aging and death rituals presented in documentary films.
An anthropological perspective
Abstract: The concept of memento mori is explained and developed by anthropologists and it aims to give the reader a closer look on how rituals are conducted in small societies combining everything with something that is based on experience. This paper aims on adressing the issue of aging, the connection between the passage of time and the gradual degradation of man, but it also focuses on other problems that arise with aging and the transition from life to death. It contains a theoretical synthesis that reveals the role played by the observational mode in documentaries about old aged people and the anthropological way of seeing the transition from life to death of a human being. A selected range of film analysis will give an overview over a Romanian and two foreign documentaries that contain an anthropological insertion in death rituals and aging.
Keywords: memento mori concept, anthropology of aging, transition from life to death, death rituals, observational documentary
Adelina‑Laura Bulibașa
Transmedia storytelling — the future of non–fiction cinematography
Abstract: This paper seeks to explore the concept of transmedia – a form of storytelling or a process where a theme, a subject or a story gets dispersed across multiple delivery channels, with the purpose of creating a unique, unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Towards the years, the public’s attention shifted, because of the more advanced forms of artistic expression that involves cutting-edge technologies, and transmedia was no longer the first choice of creators when dealing with a non-fiction story. In the last years, a lot of unforeseen changes happened in the world, forcing everything to move online, including the art world. In order to entertain and delight the public, the digital experience has to be as meaningful and compelling as possible to maintain authenticity, especially when dealing with a non-fiction story. A well-done transmedia project is about transforming a good story into a whole amazing ever-expanding Universe with the help of some fundamental components – the infinite narrative paradigm, the concept of Homo Immersionis, the auctorial network. This innovative storytelling
formula could represent the future of cinematography in a world dominated by internet-connected devices and audiences that need to have their voices heard. As a result of that, the stories that really matter and have an impact to our society won’t be represented anymore by common news or a documentary that resembles a thousand other examples, but they will be transformed into an infinite, immersive transmedia universe. Concrete Nests is a transmedia project I had the opportunity to develop last year alongside my students, about the ways in which the pandemic influenced the personal lives of people living in blocks of flats around the world. The fact that this project was accepted to one of the biggest European international film festivals reinforces the power that transmediastorytelling technique still has and will have, if applied correctly.
Keywords: transmedia, technology, non-fiction, storytelling, cinematography, author, exploration
Emanuel Modoc
„Distant viewing”: o nouă paradigmă de cercetare în film și media
Abstract: The following proposal aims at configuring the first local systematic study dedicated to exploratory research methods that employ data mining on cinematographic cultural production. More to the point, the present research intends to analyze the main directions in the field of Digital Humanities in relation to film studies, as well as the ways in which the theoretical models belonging to the digital sphere can relate to other issues pertaining to this scientific field (gender studies, visual cultural studies, literary studies etc.). Thus, the paper will address the theoretical, analytical and historiographic changes, as well as the interpretive positions that underpin “distant” paradigms in media and film studies. At the same time, through this inquiry into the latest methodological developments, the study wishes to argue for a theoretical and methodological update in the fields of Romanian film and media studies, which have benefited far less from the most recent changes coming from the domain of Digital Humanities.
Key words: distant viewing, distant reading, film studies, media studies, Digital Humanities