Anuarul Institutului de Istorie „George Barițiu” din Cluj-Napoca. Series Historica/Yearbook of the „George Barițiu” Institute in Cluj-Napoca. Series Historica is an annual academic journal, the current issue being published in October-November of each year. Manuscripts are received by the editors by email or through the form published on the journal's website. In order to be included in the current issue of each year, articles must be sent by March 31th of each year. The evaluation process of the submitted maanuscripts is based on several stages, the most important is the peer review system. It is based on the principles accepted at the European level: impartiality, transparency, efficiency, confidentiality, research ethics, responsibility for the quality of work, avoiding conflict of interests. The editorial board of the journal recognizes and applies the rules adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

The system used by journal is double-blind review, in which the identity of the author is not known to the evaluators and vice versa. Two evaluators, specialists from different scientific or university centers, are usually appointed to evaluate the journal. Reviewers will respond to the invitation to review manuscripts within the deadline set by the journal's editors. If the evaluator finds a conflict of interest or does not have the necessary expertise to evaluate the manuscript, he will decline the invitation. The evaluator remains anonymous to the author(s) and the information or ideas obtained through the evaluation process will not be allowed to be used for a potential personal benefit of the evaluator. The evaluation system respects the mandatory main phases as developed by the European Science Foundation and presented in the European Peer Review Guide. The following stages are strictly observed: the preparatory phase in the editorial board in which the calendar of preparation of the issue is discussed; the preliminary processing of the articles received by the editorial board, the selection of evaluators according to the subject of the articles; next step is the evaluation in the form of peer review. The evaluation of the submitted materials is based on a previously established evaluation form applied to all submitted manuscripts, in certatin cases, if necessary, the form may be detailed, but keeping the main indicators.

În procesul de peer-review perioada de evaluare nu va depăși 90 de zile de la primirea manuscrisului. Redactorul-șef sau secretarul de redacție va informa autorii despre: acceptarea, necesitatea realizării unor revizuiri/completări sau respingerea manuscriselor. Revizuirile minore vor fi trimise de către autori în maximum 30 de zile, iar cele semnificative în 90 de zile. Autorii sunt în toate cazurile responsabili pentru conținutul articolului.

The journal uses warning notices about the potential conflict of interest in the article review activity potentially generated by a possible relationship of the evaluator with the author, friendship or conflict / rivalry or any other reason. The journal can adopt severe measures in case of plagiarism or unclear author situation. The process of preparing the journal for printing is the next mandatory stage in the policy of the editorial staff. The editorial board is responsible for establishing the order of arranging the articles and preparing the table of contents.

Download the template for article evaluation